
How-I-Did-It available in hardcover

How-I-Did-It Cover

We know you have been waiting for this! Time to take your softcover copy over to the used bookstore and quietly slip it onto a shelf without anyone noticing. That way, you’ll have room for the hardcover, which is only slightly thicker, but well worth knocking a couple of softcovers out of the way.

Details about this priceless edition (well, it has a price: $250) can be found at



Alexa and Amazing Grace

Alexa has a very strange bug where it will play a saxophone version of Amazing Grace, for up to a week, possibly longer.

Here are the steps that seem to trigger it, though your mileage may vary.

Alexa, can dogs eat raspberries?

Alexa will respond with advice from Dr. Pooch or Wikipedia:

“Raspberries are high in dietary fiber and antioxidants… If your pup shows signs of vomiting…. It might not be a good idea to feed raspberry [sic] to it. You have 4 answers remaining now. Have another question? Ask me!

Alexa, how many inches do I have left? (Spoken as “how many answers…” but Alexa hears “inches”)

You have purchased 0 answers so far. What can I help you with? You can say Can dogs eat…? Followed by the name of the food…

Alexa why are you talking about purchasing questions and answers?

You have 4 answers available. What can I help you with? You can say Can dogs eat…? Followed by the name of the food. For example, you can say…

Alexa, continue.

At that point, it will begin the saxophone version of Amazing Grace.

If you ask it what is playing, it may respond with “I don’t know that” or “there is nothing playing.” If you ask for the name of the artist, same thing.

Alexa will continue playing until your spouse comes in and asks you why the heck is Alexa still playing the saxophone version of Amazing Grace.

This experiment has been repeated four times, and there is evidence that other people are also able to do this:

It could be a ploy to get us to purchase this product: